Huge congratulations to Juvenal Shiundu on being awarded the Papal Blessing. It was a perfect 'leaving gift' for JJ, who stepped down after serving as Apostleship of the Sea trustee for the past nine years.
Born in Kenya, Juvenal (or JJ as he is known) is Deputy Director/Head, Programme Management at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and heads up its Africa Section.
He is a naval architect having obtained a Bachelor of Science (Hons), Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. He also holds a Master of Science in Maritime Safety Administration (Marine Engineering) from World Maritime University in Malmo, Sweden.
JJ is also a member of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners. He became an AoS Trustee in 2009.
JJ says, "I am humbled to have received the Papal Blessings and to have had the opportunity to serve as a AoS Trustee."
JJ receives his Award from AoS national director Martin Foley. Looking on are other AoS trustees.
* Find out who our trustees are